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    Main » Photo album » My family » Relay Pemutus SMARTbooster (OPTIONAL)
    Pelengkap tambahan (OPTIONAL) pada pemasangan jenis alarm doorlock tertentu saja
    Views: 797 | Dimensions: 472x420px/33.0Kb
    Date: 21 Nov 2011 | Added by: Hary
    Rating: 0.0/0

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    Total comments: 1
    1 Edy  
    0 Spam
    it was a bad episode, or even a not good one. I don't like syniag that any of the episodes are bad, ever, because while there are some that are just nonstop amazing from start to finish, the ones that aren't as brilliant still have some really great parts. I think the ridiculousness of this episode is what makes it for me. It's not in my top 10 best ever list or anything, but I still enjoy watching it. And I think it's hilarious. As for Penguin, I think he's a great villian because of how outlandish he seems. Birds? Check. Umbrellas? Check. Alliteration? Check. Though I do prefer TNBA Penguin, as the sleazy nightclub owner.

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